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Scepter of Authority Prayer Institute is a school of thought that is geared toward equipping the Body of Christ in strategic prayer and prophetic intercession. This 7-week module will consist of a beginner’s level, an intermediate level, and an advanced level of intense training. The unique concept of prayer is based on the current landscape of the Ecclesia, which will draw on the Biblical construct as well as revelatory insight from the Holy Spirit, to maintain a fresh edge in the discipline of prayer.

Given the current climate in the nations, prayer has become essential in how we move forward as a faith community. We can no longer simply rely on others to pray for us, although this is permitted by Scripture. As such, Scripture admonishes us to come boldly before the Lord for ourselves. Therefore, it is important that we learn the art of prayer to successfully navigate life's vicissitudes, especially in light of facing the new global reality perpetuated by COVID-19. 

The Disciples knew that prayer would be the key to successful ministry. They had a front-row seat to the miracles that Jesus performed, but they also recognized that those miracles were intricately tied to Jesus’ prayer life. Wasting no time, they asked Jesus to teach them “how to pray.” As such, we can clearly assume from the Disciples’ responses that prayer is a discipline that must be taught. Correspondently, our 7-week module will introduce you to the instructional component of prayer designed to equip you for lasting results. When the rules of engagement are adequately employed, you will no doubt be witnesses to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through your prayers. Upon course completion, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. 

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